Things Every Dog ​​should Do. Don’t Humanize It!

Sometimes our love for our pets can go so far that we can forget what they are: animals. Yes, as much as we love them, as much as we treat them like our children, they are still animals and, therefore, your dog should also do things that every dog ​​should do, as they are characteristic of its species.

It is right to treat them well and take care of them as an extra member of the family. But that can’t stop them from continuing to do the things every dog ​​should do. Or remain dogs, of course. Everything is perfect when balance reigns in the environment.

Let’s see then what things every dog ​​should do and how to stop him from holding him in this, not humanizing him.

What every dog ​​should do, just for being a dog

As much as we try to humanize our pet or prevent it from doing certain things, there are many that we cannot avoid. They are part of him for a simple reason: he is a dog.

To lick

Yes, this is something that is innate in dogs. It’s a way of expressing themselves, part of their body language, and therefore, as much as we insist they don’t, they won’t. It would be like stealing a part of your personality from them.

The tongue is one of the most sensitive parts of the dog, so using it makes him have a special connection with the person he licks. So don’t stop your dog from doing it.

In addition, it is also linked to their hygiene, as the dog uses it to clean some parts of his body.


Although in most occasions the wheezing is linked to drools that can bother us enormously, it is essential for the animal, as a way for them to regulate their body temperature.

Through inhaling and exhaling, they regulate body temperature much more quickly.

shake yourself

Dogs do not shake themselves out of mania or habit. They usually do this after an activity that requires effort or before doing something else. This helps you to get everything to “fall” into place and your blood flow back to normal.


It is true that howling can be uncomfortable for both us and our neighbors. However, we have to take into account that dogs are not gifted with the gift of speech and howling is a way for them to express themselves.

As we have told before, dogs come from wolves, and howling serves to unite the group. While pets do not need to join a group, howling can be a sign of loneliness, so it becomes a way of expressing feelings.

walk around before going to bed

Their ancestors, the wolves, walked around before going to sleep, because that way they crushed the herbs and felt more comfortable, as the place was softer. For them, turning the bed is a way of softening it.

chase its own tail

Although it sounds like a joke, it is actually a form of protest. Dogs are social animals, so when they feel lonely or bored, they get frustrated and look for a way out. Chasing the tail is one of them.

For those dogs that have been separated from the litter or that spend a lot of time alone, the tail becomes a kind of best friend, your best toy.

Barking, rolling in the sand (even if you’ve just showered), dragging your butt on the floor, and countless other things are those things that identify dogs and, as much as we try to humanize them, they never will no longer do. Allow your dog to bark, get dirty, play with other dogs and do all those furry things that mark his personality.

And on top of all that, love him as a person, as an extra member of the family.

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