Is It True That Pets Are Jealous When We’re Dating?

Is it true that pets are jealous when we're dating?

People who have dogs and cats know that they tend to become possessive of us, and for that reason they can be jealous  of other animals or humans, whether adults, children or  babies. Therefore, it is not very common to ask ourselves if pets are also jealous when we are dating.

Why are pets jealous?

couple with dog

Of course, everything will depend on factors such as the education and socialization that this little animal received, in addition to its personality and the context in which it grew up. However, consider this:  before your partner entered your life, your pet reigned in your home and everything indicated that you only had eyes for him.

Therefore, it  is, to a certain extent, normal for your dog or cat to show some kind of reaction to the changes that occur. The logical thing would be that, with patience and affection, he soon treats his love as if he were just another member of the  family.

The problem is that sometimes things don’t end up being very easy. It could be that your boyfriend is not used to animals and that it is difficult for him to relate to them. Or even if your pet is “sick” with jealousy and cannot accept the new situation.

Do not freak out. Perhaps you should seek professional help, starting with your veterinarian. But the ideal is that peace, sooner or later, reigns in your home.

Signs that your dog is jealous of your relationship

Well, since we’ve cleared up the point that both dogs and cats can get jealous when we’re dating, let’s look at the signs now that your dear pet is showing an “emotional response.”

A jealous dog usually shows:

  • Irascible. They can even  bark  at anyone who dares to take their attention, from the moment the person arrives until it’s time to leave.
  • Possessive. He comes between you and your boyfriend all the time. It’s either following you, shine or rain, even when your half of the orange isn’t there.
  • Aggressive. Perhaps he even threatens to bite your love.
  • Destroyer. The animal also usually demonstrates its jealousy by destroying various objects in the house.

What to do when your pet is jealous of your love?

Given these circumstances,  the ideal to be done is not to delay the solution and look for some way for your pet to start accepting the new state of affairs. But how? Make your dog associate positive actions with his soul mate. For example:

  • Tours;
  • Caresses;
  • jokes;
  • Rewards, especially food.

Maybe the changes don’t happen overnight. However, if both you and your lover persist in the theme, the more likely to happen is that your pet will eventually give in and you may even notice that, in the end, he prefers your love more than you. If that happens, be careful, don’t get carried away by your jealousy.

Cats are also jealous

While many people consider cats more independent and distant than dogs, that doesn’t excuse them from being jealous. No way. Cats are sure to react to any changes they deem to be the cause of their loss of privileges.

A kitten who is jealous can be recognized when he is angry or aggressive with his love, just as a puppy is. However, it may also display these signs to get your attention:

  • Become territorial. He urinates on walls or other vertical surfaces in the house;
  • He is distant, avoids eye contact with you, or hides;
  • Don’t eat or drop your food bowl;
  • It messes up your  litter box  or purposefully takes care of your needs outside the litter box;
  • It becomes noisy and demanding.

In search of coexistence between your better half and your pet


In the case of cats, you must also use patience  so that your pet understands that the new situation will not be a loss, but a profit for him.

Maybe your cat will need some time to understand that the pampering and attention will be doubled, it will always depend on whether your boyfriend is cooperative in these aspects.

The coexistence between you, your pet and your half of the orange is not impossible, although at first it may seem like that.

So, ask for the cooperation of your human love and don’t hesitate to consult a veterinarian  so that he can inform you of the best ways to deal with some situations that may happen when your pet and your partner after getting to know each other and accepting each other .

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