Dog Education For Beginners: 5 Tips

In the case of beginners, it is convenient that dog education is carried out when the dog is still a puppy, because if the animals start to acquire bad habits, it will be more difficult to eradicate them later.
Dog Education for Beginners: 5 Tips

You don’t need to take a course or become a dog trainer to teach your pet the basics. In this article, we are going to go through some tips and steps for good dog education for beginners.

Dog Education Tips for Beginners

If it’s your first time owning a dog or if you want to teach your new pet something but you’ve never done it before, don’t worry… you don’t need to become a professional trainer! First, if you are new to dogs, here are some tips:

  1. Ensure your basic needs (food, health, hygiene, shelter).
  2. Know and understand your pet.
  3. Allow him to have contact with other pets.
  4. Reward your correct behavior and avoid punishment.
  5. Give love and fellowship.
  6. Exercise with your dog, or at least go for a walk once a day.

Dog education for beginners: puppies

Well, we could say that it ‘s easier to train a puppy than an adult dog, although there are exceptions. If you are looking for dog education tips for beginners, the first one would be to get started as soon as possible. This way, you avoid bad habits in your pet that are replicated daily and become more difficult to eradicate.

1. Practice is essential

Keep in mind that dogs are very intelligent animals, but they need some practice to maintain a habit. That’s why we recommend that you take some time every day, even a few minutes, to teach him. And until he learns something perfectly, don’t move on to the next lesson.

Dog education for beginners

2. Balance teaching and play

Dogs love to play and have fun, whether alone, with their guardians or with other pets. Therefore, in the scope of dog education for beginners, it is advisable to balance teaching and leisure time.

Dog education for beginners

If you find a balance between the two, the animal will learn faster and, moreover, will expend energy in such a way that it will have no trouble resting or misbehaving. Often ‘pranks’ are the result of lack of exercise or physical activity.

3. Make him exercise

In relation to the above, another piece of advice that can be very helpful, and that is sometimes overlooked, is the exercise factor. Of course, because an animal that ran, played, jumped and walked a few minutes a day will be more tired and calmer when it gets home.

exercises with the dogs

It is not necessary to go to the extreme of exhaustion, but rather expend some of the accumulated energy. Also consider age and breed, because a brachycephalon or an elderly dog ​​is likely to tire more than a puppy or a Dalmatian.

4. Keep a positive attitude

Another dog education tip for beginners is related to how you are. That’s right, because if you are willing to teach, with fun, the animal will respond in a good way.

positive reinforcement in dogs

So  if you ever feel sick, tired, or in a bad mood, it may not be appropriate to teach your pet a lesson. Wait so you can direct all your energy and attention to training. This will bring better results.

5. Be patient

Also,  another virtue you should work on before training your pet has to do with the commitment, constancy and, of course, patience you put into this task. An animal does not learn overnight, just as a child does not learn to walk overnight.

How to train a dog

So it  ‘s essential to be calm and not get angry when something doesn’t go as you expected. With love, and taking the necessary time, you will see your pet surprise you for the better, obeying all the orders, tricks and teachings you give him.

And finally, don’t forget about the rewards! They don’t have to be expensive (like a toy) or edible (cookies, treats, kibble, or a bone), but they should serve to show how proud you are of your dog. A caress or a kind word is enough!

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