How To Pet A Cat?

How to pet a cat?

While cats may look like pets made to be petted, the truth is, there are many different ways and tricks to pet. All to prevent these cats from reacting negatively, scratching or biting, if we cuddle inappropriately. Today we are going to teach you how to pet a cat.

It usually happens that we stroke with force and speed, and the cat reacts negatively. With that, a bad relationship is created.

The approach to petting a cat


The first thing we must do is to approach gently. This is for the pussy to smell us, so that it can prove that we do not want to harm it or treat it rudely.

If, in the search for connection with your feline pet, he starts sniffing at you or rubbing against the hand you held out to him, that’s a good sign. It is likely that the cat will give in and let itself be petted.

After gaining confidence, we will stroke the cat’s head with the tips of our fingers. We should focus mainly on the region behind your ears so that we can later move on to the rest of the body.

After running your fingers through one of the most sensitive areas of your body, such as the back of your ears, we’ll move on.

We can move our palms from our cat’s neck to the tail, but never the other way around. Although you can apply pressure to these caresses, the movements should be smooth and gentle.

Beware of some actions when petting a cat

We will avoid grabbing the tail of our little pussy, or trying to forcefully stroke the sides of her body.

As a sign, if petting a cat produces pleasure, it will move in a way that it can also respond with caresses, it won’t just be us giving it to it.

However, if the cat puts its ears back, that means it won’t let itself be petted and it’s better that we don’t try any kind of petting.

We will notice that if our cat approaches and leans against us, it may be that he is asking us to pet him. It can also happen that he is resistant to caresses. In that case, we’ll have to stop, as he possibly only seeks the human warmth of his owner.

It is common for owners to pet a cat by running their hands along their bodies. But not all pussies like this action. If we don’t have a perfect relationship with them, it’s best to avoid these caresses.

touch the belly

It’s not the most correct. When cats are relaxed, they can lie on their backs and expose their belly. But we shouldn’t always see this as an invitation to touch you, as many don’t like it at all.

The reason for this mismatch is that the feline nature teaches them to protect themselves from potential predators (unlike dogs, who are more confident in this aspect and love to caress their belly).

The belly is for them a vulnerable area where all the vital organs are located.

the purr

When we hear our pet purr, it means he is trying to get our attention so we can pet him. Experts recommend letting this happen according to the cat’s preferences. It’s important to seek his “permission” to touch him and let him have control of the interaction.

The sound of a cat’s caress purr denotes its level of happiness. The louder the purr, the happier he is. A soft purr means he’s content, while a loud purr means he’s very happy.

Likewise, an excessively loud purr means excessive happiness. If, in this situation, you find that he is bothered in any way, proceed with caution.

To pet a cat, touch the paws very carefully

cat caress

We shouldn’t play with a cat’s paws unless you know him well and know he likes you to do so. We’ll start by stroking the cat to relax him, then we’ll see if he lets us touch his paws, stroking it with just one finger.

Although many cats don’t like us manipulating their paws, it ‘s possible to train them. Some actions have a lot of effect, as in the case of having to cut their nails, we can do this through a slow and successive reward system.

In all ways of petting a cat, always try very patiently, go little by little.

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