Japanese Bobtail Cat

japanese bobtail cat

The Japanese bobtail cat is perhaps one of the best known in the world. Did you know that there are those who believe they bring good luck? Today we want to tell you everything you need to know about these Japanese pets.

bobtail cat: historical pet

It is one of the oldest breeds in Japan. It is not known which species they originally came from, but it is certain that  they have been following the Japanese for a long time. There are records dating back to the 15th century, approximately, as they appear in tales and star in some of the country’s myths and legends.

obese japanese bobtail cat

Source: Speznas35

It is believed that they were introduced into the country from China in the 6th century AD, and until the 17th century it was quite common to see these cats among the homes of the inhabitants of feudal Japan.

Japanese bobtail cat characteristics

They are medium-sized cats, but with a short, curled tail, thanks to a recessive gene,  which resembles a rabbit’s tail, although that cat’s tail is hairier. They have a very slender body, like the oriental cats, but they are a little more muscular.

They have bigger hind legs than the front ones, which gives the impression that they are always about to jump on something. Its coat is very soft, fine and of a moderate length, except for the tail, which is often very flashy as it always looks out of place. The tail is always different on each of them.

They usually have a coat with very large colored spots all over their body. Fur colors range from white, brown, black and sometimes cream. Its face is shaped like a triangle, with striking mustaches and pointed ears, while the eyes are rounder, similar to those of other animals from eastern regions.

the family joker

The Japanese bobtail cat is ideal for living in the family,  as they are very active, which turns them into very playful and curious animals. Furthermore, as for their personality, they are  very affectionate  and are always looking for their owners, wanting to be pampered by them.

  • They are very ‘talking’ cats. They usually respond with meows when someone talks to them.
  • They love to greet with their paws every human they meet.  Usually they are visited when the door opens.
  • As they love to play, they get along very well with children. This is a very healthy way to entertain them by exercising.

It is worth noting that they are  very healthy cats, resistant to almost all diseases. As for reproduction, they have  litters of three to four puppies, which start to walk faster than any other of their species.

  • At birth, they have the particularity of being born with a partially developed tail, after which it will continue to grow along with the pussy.

    During the 16th century, the silk industry was in crisis because of these cats, as the silkworm was one of their favorite prey, which ended up causing them to be rejected.

    a mystic cat

    The bobtail cat coexisted more than enough with the Japanese to be the  source of inspiration for some myths:

    Tricolor cat of the Japanese bobtail breed

    Source: Speznas35

    tragic origin

    A Japanese legend says that the bobtail’s tail is due to the accidental burning of a cat in an ordinary house. The cat, frightened, ran through the city with its tail on fire and burning everything in its path, so the emperor ordered that the tails of all cats be cut off, so that this would not happen again.

    The monster cat: Bakeneko

    According to Japanese folklore, a bobtail cat turned into a Bakeneko when it reached a certain age and a certain size. It became aggressive, its tail grew and it roamed the paths, playing tricks on travelers in the region.

    • On the other hand, there is also the Maneki-Neko, or the lucky cat. In the Buddhist temple of Gotokiji, near Tokyo, there is a whole cult around this legend. These are the figurines cats that are found all over the world, curiously conceptualized as a Chinese tradition.

    The bobtail cat is one of the best pets to have around the house as it will provide you with joy and companionship at all times. This, not to mention the good fortune that ancient Japanese legends say it brings.

    Image source: Speznas35

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