What Should You Know If You Are Taking Your Dog To The Park?

What should you know if you are taking your dog to the park?

In almost every country in the world, things get complicated and rules emerge for everything. With our pets it is no different. Although things can sometimes seem difficult, certain rules must be followed, ensuring your pet’s safety and your own peace of mind, so it’s important to stick to certain details when taking your dog to the park.

It’s not hard to see dogfights in parks. These, mostly, are generated by lack of knowledge on the part of owners about what they should know and do before taking their dogs to the park.

Rule for taking your dog to the park


The first thing you should know is that your dog is your responsibility and therefore any accident he suffers or causes to others you will have to take on. It can be bitten or bitten, jump on someone or anything else.

Another detail that should not be forgotten is that each dog is a world and not everyone likes to go to the park to play. Some dogs can be very shy or very fearful and may not feel well in a park full of furry ones.

That said, what should you take into account so that when you take your dog to the park, you have a pleasant time and not a problem?

choose the park

This is important as not all dog parks are safe, especially if you want to leave your dog off a leash. Therefore, the perfect park must have the following characteristics:

  • Must be fenced. This can prevent that, in case of a fight or your dog is scared by something, he runs out into the street and runs the risk of being run over.
  • Two entries. That your dog is friendly doesn’t mean that others are, and two entrances to different places can facilitate escape if necessary.
  • Safety regulations at sight. This is important so that you know how to act on the spot and to know how to warn others if necessary.
  • Drinking fountains. Although many owners bring water, you never know how long the walk can stretch and your dog will probably be thirsty, so some drinking fountains nearby will always be of great help.
  • Examine the park. Before entering, see how many dogs there are and what behavior they have to avoid mishaps.

Up-to-date vaccine notebook

This is legal and required in many countries. Your dog should be vaccinated and completely up to date with all his vaccinations. This will help your pet in case it gets bitten or it bites another dog or person, we hope that doesn’t happen.

In most dog parks, rabies vaccination is mandatory.

obedient dog

Make sure your dog is educated enough to follow simple orders, even under pressure, such as “come”, “let go”, “quiet”. This will be of great help if an incident occurs.

take what you need


When taking your dog to the park, it is not a good option to leave your cell phone at home, as it will be of great help in case of an emergency, whether to help your dog or others.

Although in most parks there are dispensers of bags for owners to collect the dog’s feces, always bring some, you never know what might happen.

Try to have something on hand that can stop a fight, like an air horn, for example, or a whistle. And, of course, don’t forget your dog’s collar.

don’t take your eyes off him

It’s not that you have to be there on the defensive all the time, but keep your dog under your supervision, just like other dogs. Don’t assume that your pet will never harm another, as you don’t know how it might react in situations that it has possibly never been through.

This is what we consider to be the most important thing to take into account when you take your dog to the park. Have a good trip!

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