Reduce The Damage Caused By Dysplasia With Special Nutrition

Reduce the damage caused by dysplasia with special nutrition

Not only the components of the diet prevent the onset of dysplasia, but also the fact that the animal leads a healthy life in general terms. The solutions actually require a good deal of common sense. Reduce the damage caused by dysplasia by providing special food for your pet.

Hip or elbow dysplasia is a common condition that affects many pets. Is there any way to prevent it or reduce its symptoms? We want to talk a little about this disease and the  special diet to lessen its effects. Thus, we hope to help you reduce the damage caused by dysplasia with special food for your pet.

What is dysplasia?

Hip or elbow dysplasia  is a disease that passes from generation to generation. It occurs when the bones that form a joint, whether in the hip or elbow, are not properly fitted or aligned.

This causes them to rub against each other and have inappropriate movements, accelerating wear. This condition leads to other problems resulting from joint malfunction. However, the big problem is that this disease is silent.

This means that the problem  can exist for a long time, even from birth, but the animal will not feel pain until it reaches the later stages of age. The owner will notice as the pet will go from eating and jumping to being barely able to move.

Dysplasia in dogs

There are certain breeds that are more likely to suffer from this disease because of their genetic combination. They are mainly large dog breeds, which have to bear a lot of weight in their joints. However, it also affects fast-growing dogs, due to the short time they have to strengthen their joints.

The most prone breeds are as follows:

  • German Shepherd
  • labrador
  • rottweiler
  • english mastiff
  • New land
  • Golden retriever
  • great Dane
  • St Bernard
  • Other large or giant size breeds

Reduce Dysplasia Damage: Pain

There are several possible actions for you to reduce damage from dysplasia in your pet, including:

  • Swimming. As for humans, this is also the most complete sport for pets. Sport will help strengthen your joints and develop your muscles. In addition, animals will have fun while practicing.
  • The exercise.  All dogs need a certain level of physical activity. However, for large dogs this is even more important. You should take him for a walk or run, depending on what moves he can make. The ideal is to carry out activities at least twice a day for 20 minutes.
  • Temperature. You must maintain a good temperature at home. Cold is not beneficial to your pet’s bones and joints. If it’s cold and you can’t heat the house, put an electric blanket or hot water compress on it.
  • Massages. Therapeutic massage is one of the ways to reduce the effects of dysplasia on your pet. This act of caring can help relieve pain in the animal.

dog sleeping on the grass

Special food for dysplasia

Feeding is one of the most important factors for you to reduce dysplasia damage in dogs. It can help lessen the pain caused by this disease, and may even prevent it. In this sense, the ideal is to be strict with food since the dog is a puppy.

On the one hand, it  is necessary to give him a balanced diet to avoid obesity.  An obese animal will have joint problems due to the extra weight it will need to support.

However, what we want to emphasize is that  foods designed to protect joints are exceptional for alleviating pain. They are low-calorie foods that have specific components to care for and strengthen the joints.

If you adopt a dog of any breed with risk of dysplasia, it  is better to prevent with this type of food since he is a puppy. You may not be able to prevent the disease, but it is very likely that you will delay its onset.

In addition, you can add a food supplement called chondroprotective to this type of diet. It is made up of hyaluronic acid, collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

All of these components are exceptional for the proper functioning of the joints. If the animal has not yet developed the disease or has already,  chondroprotectors will be very helpful.

Remember that  owning an animal is a responsibility and that you should be open to giving it everything it needs. In this case: exercise, good nutrition, good temperature at home and an adequate food supplement. With your effort, you will improve your pet’s quality of life.

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