How To Intervene In A Dogfight

How to intervene in a dogfight

Knowing how to intervene in a dogfight is neither simple nor safe. There is no ground rule for avoiding confrontation. Every dog ​​and every moment is different. So when this kind of situation happens, the first thing to do is to stay calm.

To preserve your pets’ health, in this article we’ll share some tips that can be of great help when a dogfight occurs. Take note!

Is it possible to stop a dogfight?

dogs fighting

Far from being in a ring, a dogfight is a very serious thing. Intervening can be very dangerous. However, it is a reality that if you see your little friend being attacked by another dog, you will certainly do everything in your power so that your pet does not suffer the consequences.

In addition to the advice we can give you here, it is a fact that if you intervene you could be hurt.

In the beginning we mentioned that it is very important that you don’t lose your cool and don’t panic. Dog fights can be very noisy at times and certainly this chorus of barking can make you very scared and scared.

And if there is no barking…? In a real fight, you are likely to hear neither barking nor screaming. During a serious dogfight, the abuser may be quiet while the victim dog screams. Some dogs can throw themselves at others. Faced with this, the victim will try to free himself and escape, only for the aggressor to go after him.

In a situation like the one before, many owners have already tried to intervene and the result has been disastrous. They came out losing and found themselves badly hurt.

Points to consider

One of the safest ways to break up a dogfight is with a sound. Yes, with a high-pitched sound that catches the animals’ attention. Do you remember any? Well, if you have a whistle in your house, you can use it. You will see that after making a few sounds, dogs will probably stop attacking each other.

Let’s say the dogs are in the garden and you don’t have a whistle handy. If this happens, look for cold water and throw it on the dogs. If you have a hose, use it fearlessly to spray the dogs with water.

No water, no whistle. The fight takes place inside the house. Throw a blanket over them. No doubt; this is a sure way to stop the fight.

Another popular technique is to strike the furry little one. But don’t do this. Doesn’t solve anything.

What if you physically intervene? Trying to pull them apart like your own arms is not a good idea. The body available to the mouths of this type of animal can even be deadly. If you’re going to try, grab the tail of one of the dogs and pull it until it’s calmer.

And if it doesn’t work…? You may try to grab a leg or the upper part of the animal’s back.

After the fight…

running dogs

Once they have reached the end, continue to remain calm and move your dog away from the other animal. If you are near your house, take him inside. Once inside or in a safe place, make sure your little friend has not been seriously injured.

If you notice that your dog has deep sores and is losing blood, try getting a bandage and quickly take him to your veterinarian. The idea is that the animal receives immediate attention and for that nothing better than a specialist. The professional will perform a thorough examination of your pet and make sure everything is in order.

If when trying to separate the dogs one of them bit you, you should go to the doctor too, so that he can examine your wound. Of course, he will ask you if the dog is vaccinated against rabies. If your answer is no, he will give you a dose of the vaccine, which should be boosted in two weeks. The doctor will also disinfect each of the wounds the dogs have caused you.

Finally, don’t forget:  one of the best ways to avoid fights, especially on the streets, is to take your dog for a walk always wearing a leash and leash. That way you can have more control over your little four-legged friend.

Image credits: Mekanoid.

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