Dog Adoption: Everything You Should Know

Dog Adoption: Everything You Should Know

Adopting a dog is one of the noblest acts there is. However, adoption is a serious act that deserves reflection, so if you are considering adopting one, we will tell you what to consider first.

Dog Adoption, What You Must Ask Yourself

Before deciding whether or not to adopt a dog, there are certain questions you should ask yourself to see if this is the right decision.

Why do you want to have an animal?

Those who love animals may confuse this love with the responsibility of having an animal. There are those who adopt an animal because of the impulse to have seen a breed they like and want to have an equal, or simply to give in to the wishes of children. Making a decision based on any of these reasons is not appropriate for you, let alone the animal.

Because you don’t think about the responsibilities involved in being responsible for a pet, you’ll likely get tired of it over time. Under no circumstances should abandonment cross your mind, a gesture that, unfortunately, is very numerous.

You should remember that an animal is not a stuffed animal and that they can live longer than 15 years.  If you are willing to become responsible for one, go for it! If you’re not sure, give yourself more time to make sure you’re shouldering the responsibilities.

Will you have time to dedicate to your pet?

In the case of a dog, in order for him to be healthy and happy, he will need emotional attention. In addition to his three daily outings to take care of his needs, he will also have to exercise, play and spend time with you. In short, feeling loved. If you’re out all day and when you get home you don’t want to do anything, you’d better forget about adopting a dog. Perhaps another pet is more suitable for you.

Will it be able to afford the economic expenses that a pet generates?

Definitely, to keep a dog, money is needed.  When you adopt him, you must provide him with everything he needs: bed, blankets, food bowl, drinking fountain, toys, collar, leash, etc. From the first month you will have to start giving him the vaccines, the microchip and the deworming. What do we mean by this? That everything has a cost. If you’re prepared to take it on, go ahead!

Ready for your home to be “your home”?

You must be aware that, from the moment you adopt a dog, it is no longer you, it is “you”. Especially  if you  adopt a puppy. Get ready to have your furniture ruined, your shoes bitten, and even pee all over the house. If you are able to accept this without drama and without punishment, adopt!

Are you sure you can have one where you live?

This is an important issue to consider and be sure of before adopting dogs. There are  condos that do not allow dogs in the buildings.  And if you live on rent, chances are the landlord doesn’t want it either. If you have already decided to adopt, ask and inform yourself before doing so to avoid problems. If you live in a family, you should also consult with other members.

What if I’m going on vacation?

Keep in mind that an animal will be with you for many years, so if you travel a lot or go on vacation frequently, you  should have a plan, a place to leave your pet where they will be taken care of as you would.  It’s true that there are hotels, but sometimes there are dogs that don’t adapt well to others and that can have problems. This is another factor to consider before deciding to adopt or not.

Adopting dogs is no joke and shouldn’t be a passing whim, it’s having a friend for several years of your life, so it’s important to consider the pros and cons before deciding, and if you do, you’ll have to be responsible . Don’t forget, dogs feel and suffer. They are often unconditional and loyal to their owners, which is why we owe them loyalty.

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