Take Good Care Of Your Cat’s Teeth

Take good care of your cat's teeth

A lot is heard about the care of dogs’ teeth. However, we hear very little about cleaning cats’ teeth. Do they need it? Many may be in doubt, as kittens have earned a reputation for being clean by nature.

However, when it comes to oral cleaning, our pets, no matter what they are, need our help. We’ll tell you all about it.

Cats teeth get dirty too

As with people, cats that do not have adequate mouth cleaning will have tartar problems on their teeth. Tartar will not only make the animal look bad, it will also produce a bad smell and can even cause illnesses that, in the long run, can lead to tooth loss.

Don’t think this can’t happen to your cat, statistics show that 7 out of 10 cats have some sort of oral disease when they turn 3 years old.

Obviously, a cat won’t know on its own what to do for good oral hygiene, nor can it pick up its toothbrush by itself. So he needs your help.

We want to repeat the importance of taking care of your cat’s dental health, as tartar is the first to appear. This will allow the accumulation of malignant bacteria that will grow in the animal’s mouth, which can cause very serious illnesses.

Foods to take care of your cat’s mouth

Foods specialized in oral hygiene are very useful to eliminate the tartar that can cause so many problems in the animal. There are treats, pet food and even vegetables that can help your feline’s mouth cleanse.

However, the key to making these foods work is for the cat to chew. Remember, it will be the friction of the teeth that will make the tartar disappear. What would happen if the kitten doesn’t chew and just eats the food? Well, first of all, it would be easy to identify, because your friend who just ingests doesn’t make any noise when eating.

The way to solve this is to change the cat’s food to a larger one, which forces him to chew.

Finding the type of food that helps them will be easy. These are labeled “oral care” and you can find them at almost every veterinary clinic and store.

Is it necessary to brush the cat’s teeth?

Of course yes! The question that arises is how to do it. Well, even though oral care foods are very useful, in no case do they suppress the need for oral cleaning. Therefore, the first thing we have to do is look for products that specialize in feline oral cleaning.

The bad thing is that many of them come in aerosol form. Don’t forget that most cats are startled by this noise, making the task impossible.

However, there are also those that are liquid, in small doses, to avoid intoxication. How to use it is quite simple. Wet gauze with the product and rub the cat’s teeth with it. It is also possible to get specialized brushes for felines. You can use them with your fingers, similar to those used for babies.

The veterinarian will be the one who can best indicate which product and toothbrush to use for your particular cat.

Remember that human toothpaste cannot be used on animals. Not only can they damage your teeth, but they can also cause poisoning in our pet.

Follow these tips and remember to clean your cat’s teeth at least twice a week to avoid tartar buildup and bigger problems later.

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