Cats’ Activities During The Day

Ever wonder what your cat does when you leave the house? Find out what the main activities of cats are below.
Cat activities during the day

The activities of cats can vary minimally from one breed to another, or in the case of domestic cats and stray cats, as the latter need to fetch their own food.

However, there are certain similarities in a feline’s daily ‘occupations’ that make everyday life an adventure like no other.

Cats are intelligent, inquisitive animals that need daily opportunities for exercise, stimulation and companionship.

Cats love to spend quality time with their owners. With that, they feel important and loved; they just need to sit on your lap and watch television. Many cats love to be petted and brushed!

The main activities of cats

Here are the different activities that take up a “typical” cat day over a 24-hour period. We’ll start with the activity that takes up most of your cat’s time: sleep! Adult cats sleep an average of 16 hours a day.

Another of the cats’ activities is hygiene. Cats can spend about two or three hours meticulously licking every inch of their fur.

This keeps them clean and gets rid of possible parasites, but this ritual also allows them to maintain good health. They distribute the sebum to the hair and make it waterproof.

In addition, cats also absorb vitamin D by licking their skin. Therefore, the ‘bath’ is a type of meditation for the cat, which has a particularly calming effect and contributes to its mental balance.

Explore and mark territory

Finally, some action. Your cat spends part of the day ‘marking’ territory, usually to ensure he is well kept.

cat receiving affection

His title deeds are the olfactory marks – pheromones or urine – and the scratches he leaves around the house.

Your daily schedule therefore aims to ensure that the different traits of your presence remain clearly noticeable, as well as exploring all the changes that have taken place in your environment.

watch the world around you

One of the favorite activities of cats is to contemplate the environment. They spend a lot of time watching their surroundings. Sitting or lying down, with their ears up, their eyes wide open and their senses alert, cats watch their surroundings closely.

For this activity, they usually choose a place where they feel safe and where they can observe without being seen. A porch, window sill, roof or a simple wall edge can become watchtowers to satisfy your curiosity.

play and chase

Domestic cats do not need to spend long hours searching for food, as their distant ancestors did. However, his hunting behavior and his fondness for play remain deeply ingrained.

For your cat, these moments of daily relaxation remain essential.

Eat and take care of your needs

The activities of cats corresponding to their physiological needs occupy a small part of their time and are distributed throughout the day.

In terms of food, in particular, cats tend to like “snacks”. Therefore, they prefer to eat small portions of food regularly rather than just two large meals a day.

An ideal schedule with the main activities of the cats

7:00 – 8:00

Waking up and eating some canned food or fresh, dry food is a perfect way to start the day. The same goes for having an open window or door that allows outside sounds to stimulate your senses, as well as enough clean, fresh water.

Remember to change the water in the pot and make sure the container is full. Spend about 10 minutes talking and petting your cat. Check for anything unusual about your behavior, attitude, skin, appearance of your eyes, etc.

cat sleeping on the floor

9:00 – 12:00

This is the time to take a nap, or the time to follow him while you work from home. If you’re going to work out, this will be nap time.

 12:00 – 13:00

Ideally, most cats would again appreciate an interaction with the opportunity to play or be stimulated. If you work all day, make sure your cat has an interesting window, a tall hanger, or some toys to play with during the day.

13:00 – 17:00

Naptime is another opportunity to see him at work. If you’re at home, afternoons are ideal for your cat’s brushing routine as he rests peacefully in your lap.

17:00 – 19:30

Drinks, dinners and games. Again, change the water and offer dinner. Control your cat’s appetite. Offer playtime longer than in the morning. Let him play and spend some of that accumulated energy.

7:30 pm – 11:00 pm

Peaceful family time. If you couldn’t share the afternoon with him, this could be a good opportunity to pet and play with your cat, or even to lie on the couch and watch TV.

Open a safe and secure door or window and allow your kitten to enjoy the sounds and smells coming from outside.

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