8 Tips For Observing Wildlife

This activity is increasingly popular and allows us to discover how animals behave in their natural habitat. For this, it is necessary to be stealthy and wear appropriate clothes so as not to draw attention, among other tips.
8 tips for observing wildlife

Going into nature to observe wildlife is an activity that is gaining more and more popularity. So, far from reducing their days in the forests to excursions and picnics, many want to know the secrets of the inhabitants of these places.

However, wildlife watching can be tricky if you are new to the subject, so it is  advisable to review a number of tips to be able to spot wildlife with some guarantee of success.

Start watching wildlife by birds

Many dream of seeing a large predator like the wolf in freedom, however, these species are very shy and difficult to spot, especially for beginners. Birds are, however, much more accessible animals when it comes to observing nature.

Although there are very shy bird species, it will be easy to see some of the  birds that live in your garden, such as the robin, which is very common on our walks in the countryside. In addition,  we can always learn to identify birds by their silhouette in flight, which will allow us to easily recognize large birds.


trust the guides

One of the mistakes that many make is believing that they will be able to see an Iberian lynx simply by spending an afternoon in Doñana. Given the growing popularity of this activity, there are more and more biologists and other professionals dedicated to guiding tourists in these places in search of the most elusive animals.

In addition, these guides are familiar with the nature park’s wildlife habits and are able to follow their trail. They are also in constant communication with farmers and other wildlife watchers, so they are a guarantee of success for wildlife watching.

This type of activities aimed at responsible tourism is great for promoting nature conservation  and, consequently, valuing animals in freedom.

learn to walk in the field

It is impossible to observe wildlife if you enter the forest like an elephant in a china shop. Therefore, it is  important not to make noise, walk slowly trying to make your steps to be cushioned by the grass, without breaking branches or kicking stones.

We must pay attention to any movement among trees or vegetation.  The more knowledge we have, the easier it will be for us to identify the places where different wild animals are.


Always use binoculars

Normally, nature guides have materials such as telescopes and binoculars of great quality, ideal for those who do not commonly perform this activity. However, if we go with assiduity, it is convenient to acquire good binoculars to see the animals clearly.

Also, another option is to use digital cameras; although not designed for that,  the cameras actually have a very powerful zoom, which will help us take a calm look.

Learn to identify animals

One of the most fun things about observing wildlife is identifying the animals around us. There are very useful field guides that we can carry in our pockets that come with photos to help us identify.

If we prefer, we can also use one of the many applications or web pages that have wildlife identifiers, which are quite intuitive to use, such as the Spanish Ornithological Society.

Know when it’s time

It is important to know that not all species are seen at the same times and times of the year. In general, sunset and dawn are the best times to observe wildlife, because the forest is silent  and during the day, hikers make the animals decide to enter the thicket.

Royal Eagle

The season is also important. For example, it will be almost impossible to see bears in winter as they will spend the day in hibernation. Likewise, autumn is the time to look for deer in northern Spain to see the famous heat of these animals, while it will be a very bad time to see the kestrel, which  is a migratory bird.

Pay attention to the panels

In national parks and bird observatories, it  is quite common to find information boards, where we can find out which species are most common  at certain times of the year, or where we can find them.

Although the more experienced or lazy may ignore this informative material, the truth is that  the people who created these interpretive panels are the ones who know the area best, it is always interesting to take a few minutes to learn in this way.

Be patient

It’s the best advice we can give you. It is practically impossible that tomorrow you go to the countryside and observe a pack of wolves hunting a deer, however, with training and routine, you can become one with nature and enjoy this beautiful pastime more and more.

Wolf Pack

If we are patient and start with the simplest animals to see and identify, we are encouraging ourselves to continue our journey through nature. Observing common birds will lead us, little by little, to recognize more complex traits and species.

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