Prince Of England Saves Rhinos

Prince of England saves rhinos

Unfortunately, one of the most despicable and man-made activities is hunting animals, whether they are elephants, rhinos or lions. Far from being something that seems far from our reality, this is an act that, in addition to violating animal rights, continues to be practiced constantly, even though human beings have evolved, it seems that there are still those who consider that killing a living being is healthy fun.

However, in recent times, the protection of animals and a more forceful rejection of this type of activities has become a worldwide phenomenon, to the point that nowadays it is possible to bring famous personalities to this cause and they have been heard.

This reached such a level that even one of the most important members of the British monarchy took a stand against those who hunt animals, and put into practice the rescue of rhinos as his most important activity today.

the irreverent prince


For many years, the concept of the sons of kings was nothing more than that of privileged young people, who, far from empathizing with the most just causes, did nothing but continue with their family’s conservative traditions.

However, this is not the case for Prince Enrique of Wales, better known as Harry, whose rebellious monarchy and heterodoxy is not limited to his messy hair or his numerous scandals with drugs, alcohol and paparazzi , but also for his commitment to situations like which your family did not comment.

This young redhead has become an important animal protection activist, especially elephants and rhinos, which for many years were some of the most abused animals by hunters, both in South Africa and in other parts of the same continent.

Orphan Rhino Doctor

One of the best known activities that Prince Harry did was to cure, together with different veterinarians, several orphaned rhinoceros babies, whose mothers had abandoned them or who had died as a product of hunting, an act that, as he himself came to comment, moved him very intensely.

As soon as he finished this activity, far from taking it as trivial or unimportant, the young Briton declared that although he knew how fortunate he was to be able to do this, he revealed that he also felt deeply indignant about the situation that these animals have to live.

Also, he stated that it seems impossible to believe that more than 30,000 elephants had been murdered in the last year, and that few cases were reported by public opinion, for the simple fact that they were not beings with important and famous names.

The drop that overflowed the glass


As some people commented, the young Prince always expressed rejection to hunting and all kinds of animal abuse, but the drop that overflowed the glass was when, in August 2015, the news surfaced that more than 700 kilograms of rhino and elephant tusks had been confiscated in Vietnam.

Supposedly, from this fact, he would come to know in depth the terrible and inhuman universe that hides in the trafficking of animals in danger of extinction, so he decided to focus most of his activities on denouncing this type of act and helping the more raped species for that.

What is certain is that Prince Harry has become an example to follow, since far from locking himself in the bubble that represents his privileged life, he decided to support one of the fairest and noblest causes today.

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