A Dog Took Care Of A Mexican Teenager Lost For Two Days In The Mountains

A dog took care of a Mexican teenager lost for two days in the mountains

That dogs are good friends with man is nothing new. But these faithful animals insist on demonstrating this in many ways, especially when it comes to our little ones. Well, a dog took care of a Mexican teenager lost for two days in the mountains, until the young man was rescued by the authorities.

Lost Mexican Teen Found The Help Of A Dog To Survive

labrador-dog sitting

The event took place in the Mexican state of “Nuevo León”. Juan Heriberto Treviño Leal, aged 14, was participating – in an area of ​​the Galeana mountain range – in evangelization and social assistance activities with a group from the parish of Maria Auxiliadora, located in the Lindavista colony, municipality of Guadalupe.

But the young man walked away from his companions, had an accident and got lost, which immediately prompted the authorities and private parties to begin the search.

Forty hours later, Treviño was found with a dog named Max and then he told how the dog took care of him at all times.

Details of Treviño’s story and how the dog took care of him

The teenager was found safe and sound in an area called “La Palmitosa”, which is part of the municipality of Galeana, 5 hours away from where the religious group’s camp was located.

The animal, a Labrador dog that lives in one of the ranches located in the mountains, has not separated from the boy since he saw him wandering around the place alone.

It is because Treviño, when separating from his companions, got lost after slipping and falling rolling down a ravine, unable to find his way back again. Then the teenager started walking along a dry riverbed, but stopped when it got dark.

Luckily, Max accompanied him at all times and gave him warmth to spend the cold night in the mountains. So the teenager slept hugging the dog and also used a parasitic herb, known as Old Man’s Beard, to cover his legs.

How the lost young man was found with the dog that took care of him

Treviño said that he prayed and that he hoped to be found, although many hours had passed and no one had any clues as to his whereabouts.

On his second lost day, the teenager was thirsty and then again Max was a great help. The dog began to drink from a little beak, which they crossed. And the gullible boy did the same.

A short time later, two inhabitants of the place, who were joined in the search, came across the boy and the dog.

Leoncio Ramírez and Jesus Espinosa had started to tour the region on horseback an hour and a half earlier. When he saw them , the teenager ran to meet the men, who offered him food, water and a drink. Soon they took him and the dog to a ranch where the rescuers and his family were waiting for him.

Happy Ending for the Lost Mexican Teen


The boy was transported first in a helicopter and then in an ambulance to a hospital, where they found he was out of danger, although very tired and a little malnourished.

Local authorities said that in this part of the mountains it is easy to get lost. And they highlighted how lucky the teenager was to find the dog, given the cold that is at night in that place, because it is a very high region.

And as for the dog Max, although both the teenager and his family have expressed their intention to adopt him, they know that he has returned to the ranch with his owner.

But surely the teenager will never forget the experience of having around a dog who took care of him so much while he was lost.

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