Why Do Cats Get A Bad Name?

Why do cats get a bad name?

Those who love dogs say they don’t like cats, that they are mysterious and treacherous beings, that they don’t know where they walk. Those who prefer felines say that they are unique and affectionate beings with whom it is possible to create a special connection. However, the dog is still the most wanted animal as a pet, but why? And why do  cats have a bad name?

Do you prefer cats or dogs? This is a question we ask when we are meeting someone or our friends. An unknown present in our lives. But, let’s talk about why cats have a bad name.

Myths about cats… Cats get a bad name because of them

There are several myths that circulate around felines  that can deceive many. Let’s see which ones are and whether they’re true or not.

bristled cat

Source: Javier González

cats don’t love their owners

First, it  ‘s important to understand that if you adopt a cat, you shouldn’t expect it to act like a dog, that’s a mistake. Both species are different and so are your feelings and your way of expressing them.

However, many claim that cats are self-interested and that they only give love when they want something. Well then,  a study done by the University of Oregon, in the United States, found that cats love their owners as much or more than dogs.  An experiment was done in which different cats and dogs were offered food while they were with their owners. The pussies didn’t move, the dogs went quickly to the plate.

cannot be trained

This is another myth that revolves around felines. It is said that a dog can be trained and obey orders such as sitting, bringing something, running, barking, etc. Many claim that this is impossible with a cat. But this is not completely true.

Yes, it’s true that dogs have an innate desire to pick things up and take them elsewhere, something cats don’t have. But  a feline, if they know how to choose the right moment, can be trained for many other things, including obeying the necessary orders for a good coexistence.

A good way to do this is through play, with toys with scents and sounds. Don’t get him used to playing with your hands, as he may unintentionally hurt you with his claws. But, with patience and affection, you will be able to educate your cat.

cat with scratcher

Cats should not be near pregnant women

If there’s one myth that cats get a bad rap, this is it. They say this is because of a disease that affects cats and can be transmitted to pregnant women, putting the pregnancy at risk: toxoplasmosis.

However, not all cats have it and it is not caught in the air. Toxoplasmosis is a disease that is transmitted through cat feces.  That is, for a pregnant woman to be affected, she would have to collect the feces of a cat without gloves.

If you have cats and there is a pregnant woman at home, just take an exam to rule out that the animal has the disease. If the test is negative, everyone will be out of harm’s way. Of course, you should never abandon the animal, even if it has it. A friend can take care of him while he is on treatment and until the disease goes away. Then he can go home without any problem.

Do cats have a bad name? Yes, but as we’ve seen through these myths, they don’t have much foundation. Whether you love cats or dogs, decide if your pet is right for your life, but be aware that a cat will give you as much, if not more love, than any other pet.

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