Choosing The Perfect Dog Breed

Choosing the Perfect Dog Breed

Choosing the perfect dog breed is not a decision that should be taken in a rush. This should involve the whole family and has many factors to consider.

When it comes to choosing a puppy, it is always important to research the dog you are looking for. Whether adopting it at an animal shelter, picking it up straight off the street, or buying it, we can’t begin our journey until we’ve decided on the type of dog we’re looking for.

Factors to be taken into account

There are many factors that will intervene when choosing a dog breed, the most important of which are:

  • Compatibility with children;
  • The energy level;
  • Already be careful before this breed;
  • The size;
  • Aspects such as cleanliness and necessary care;
  • Special needs of the dog.
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Author: Dogs believe a lot in men

Below, we’ll present some useful criteria to help you make a better selection of the type of dog that will best fit your lifestyle. Once you have found the most suitable breed, you can start looking for it in shelters, kennels or breeding sites.

Of all the options when choosing a dog, there are some factors that seem to be the most popular among families choosing their dogs:

  • Years in the shelter;
  • Hair size;
  • Activity level;
  • Size;
  • Family-oriented nature;
  • Handleability / intelligence;
  • Age of a dog.

Continuing, we will further analyze the information on three of the three most relevant characteristics:

Puppy or adult?

An important criterion when selecting a dog is age. If there are small children in the house, it may be more appropriate to have an adult dog that is already biting inhibited and does not practice it on your children or their toys.

Some families choose to choose a new puppy that they can grow with their children and that they can be taught to obey from the start. This can work equally well with adopting a fully developed dog.

Age is also a major factor in the energy level of the dog you choose. If you are looking for a running companion, choosing a larger dog is not suitable. However, if you want a quieter dog, a bigger dog might be far more suitable.

woman lying with dog

activity level

A particularly important factor for families when choosing their dog is activity level.  Families who live in an apartment do not adapt well to dogs with particularly high energy levels, although this can be remedied if you are a runner, for example, and are dedicated to giving your dog a proper exercise routine.

Many families start with this intention and end up losing interest.  A dog with a high level of energy and without any kind of stimulation will turn into a destructive dog, which is an unmistakable display of boredom.

dog size

One of the most basic factors in choosing a dog is its size. Size includes both height and weight. Families living in a small apartment should consider getting a small breed.

Families with young children should be especially careful when choosing a giant breed of dog. For example, while breeds such as mastiffs can be graceful and kind to children, they may also be unaware of their enormous size and can easily strike children who cross their path.

Likewise, small breeds that have herding origins can even snap at children’s heels with the intention of trapping them as they would the sheep.

When selecting a mixed breed puppy from a refuge, you never know what size the dog will be.  Once it is fully grown, you will be able to know more or less the size, depending on the breeds that have been mixed.

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