How To Teach A Dog To Behave Well While Waiting For You To Do Your Activities

How to teach a dog to behave well while waiting for you to do your activities

Education is essential for everyone. It makes us better people and helps us to be prepared to face different situations. Parents strive to teach their children in the best possible way and, to do so, invest a great deal of time and effort, as well as, in many cases, economic resources.

It is true that an animal is not a child, but it also needs discipline and learning to behave in different situations that develop along the journey.

It is very common for owners to take advantage of the time they use to take the animal for a walk, to do some pending tasks. In these cases, they usually leave the dogs, most of the time, outside the places where they will enter.

So that this doesn’t pose a problem, we’ll tell you how to teach a dog to behave well while waiting for you to do your activities.

teach a dog to live together

dog and family

When a new pet arrives at our home, it’s not enough just to enjoy its company, play with it or take it for a walk. It is crucial that we can invest part of our time in educating you correctly.

Coexistence is not always easy, much less will it be if we do not establish from the beginning what forms of behavior we accept.

We cannot forget that animals are irrational beings, so for things to continue well, it will depend, in large part, on the education we give them. It is true that it is necessary to educate a dog since he first enters our lives.

There aren’t many orders, or commands he has to learn: recognize the no, follow some basic commands, like going up or down, being quiet and sitting down. Without forgetting, of course, to teach him what he can play with and which rooms of the house he can enter.

But learning isn’t just about how he behaves when he’s at home: it’s just as important that he learns how to act appropriately when he’s out with you. Now let’s see how we can do this.

Teach the “quiet” order to a dog

Among the orders that we have to teach a dog, the “quiet” one is crucial, consider that this command, more than the others, can save your dog’s life. For example, if while playing, he runs into a danger zone.

It is very important that he learn this order at home, a much safer environment for him. Therefore, we will have to rehearse several times a day with him, until it is clear that you are in charge and that if you give the order to “quiet”, he will have to stop.

It is a crucial step for him to be able to wait for you calmly while you carry out his tasks, he has to understand what you ask him to do.

How to teach a dog to wait for you

tied dog

When you leave your dog on the street waiting while you do your activities, it is essential that he is strapped and on a leash, for example on a tree or pole.

The collar has to be securely fastened, that is, the animal should not be able to escape from it, but it will also not be able to hurt you, since if that happens you will not be calm either.

You should also ensure that pedestrians can walk along the sidewalk without difficulty, so there should be a safe enough distance to where the leash allows the dog to move and the part of the sidewalk where pedestrians walk. This is important, as the dog should not touch any people or jump on them.

Before tying him up, you must take him to the place where he will stay and give him orders; first that you feel and then that you be quiet. Then you can tie him up. Do this with care and always verbalizing affectionate words.

It’s important that you don’t expect your dog to be calmly tied up if, for some reason, he doesn’t do well. Not because of any health problem, but because he hasn’t eaten or drunk enough, because he hasn’t taken care of yet, or maybe because he’s just had a bad day and he’s nervous. It would also not be good for you to leave your dog in the sun or in a heavy rain.

When you return, having finished your tasks, reinforce your dog’s good behavior with words or a treat. This is also a good way to teach a dog to behave well. Something that will certainly bring good results.

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