Harlequin Rabbit: Characteristics, Care And Feeding

Rabbits are among the most popular pets for being docile and adorable. The Harlequin Rabbit is a variety that excels on all these fronts.
Harlequin Rabbit: characteristics, care and feeding

If you’ve heard of the Harlequin Rabbit, it’s likely to sound a little familiar to you, as it’s one of the loveliest animals in the world. This breed of rabbit is much appreciated by enthusiasts and associations.

However, did you know that it was considered and disregarded as a race throughout the 20th century? This story and the different aspects of their characteristics, care and nutrition will be explained below. Don’t miss it!

Harlequin Rabbit Characteristics

As a breed of domestic lagomorph, the harlequin rabbit belongs to the species Oryctolagus cuniculus . It was also named “Japanese Harlequin” or “Dwarf Harlequin”. In some places, he is known as “the rabbit clown” due to the curious pattern of his fur.

The coat of a harlequin rabbit.

1. Its origin is unknown

According to historical records, the harlequin rabbit is believed to have appeared in France in the 1880s. It arose from the crossing of wild rabbits with Dutch semi-wild variants, which had a specific coat.

2. Its coat has 2 variants: the catch color and the Japanese color

This rabbit is known for its short, shiny coat, with unique streaks of color. According to experts, the harlequin rabbit’s coat has 2 characteristic patterns, which are as follows:

  • Japanese: in orange color, other shades such as blue, black, lilac or chocolate are spread and mixed.
  • Handle: white predominates, over which different colors appear. Usually, the tones tend to blend, with blue, black, brown or light purple standing out.

Although it is curious that one of the patterns is called “catch”, this is due to the fact that birds of the same name remember. This bird is characterized by the colors that are also manifested in this rabbit.

3. The Harlequin Rabbit is a small breed

In relation to weight, in adulthood this mammal varies between 2.7 and 3.6 kilos. Among rabbits, it is considered small in size, as there are giant breeds. When looking at its size and light features, the word that comes up is adorable. This is due to its large head, accompanied by rounded, erect ears.


When it comes to feeding the harlequin rabbit, it follows a very specific diet. Usually, the daily menu of these animals consists of hay mixed with a very specific ration.

In any case, at least 2 or 3 times a week it is convenient to vary your diet a little. Of course, the food must be cut into small pieces and the seeds removed. Some examples are as follows:

  • Fruits: apple, pear or melon.
  • Vegetables: the best known is carrot, but cucumber or spinach can also be offered.
  • Vegetables: Rabbits love dandelions, which can be a reward.

    Beware of the Harlequin Rabbit

    When it comes to having a harlequin rabbit at home, it’s a good idea for every guardian to know the following aspects. Keep in mind that domestic lagomorphs are very active and therefore require a lot of space and entertainment.

    1. You can teach them to relieve themselves in a box

    If the rabbit is educated from a very young age, he can do his needs in one place. A box similar to a cat litter box, but adapted to its size, is usually recommended. Of course, it is essential to eliminate the droppings on a daily basis.

    2. The comb is your indispensable companion

    Like cats, dogs or other pets with dense coats, it is appropriate to brush this animal periodically. This way, you maintain your hair health and avoid intestinal problems. As the harlequin rabbit is characterized by having short fur, it is worth brushing them once a day. Compared to different types of animals, it doesn’t need much care.

    3. Does the harlequin rabbit need a lot of space?

    In reality, rabbits can live in different places, such as cages or outdoor facilities. Ideally, it is possible to build a nest with straw, in a space with wood. It is essential to thoroughly clean the cage or space once a week.

    In addition, it is essential that you have adequate space available for your size. If it is possible not to leave the rabbit locked, as it is better for it to run freely around the house: for this, the area must be prepared to avoid accidents.

    4. Check nails and teeth!

    Another aspect that must be monitored in these animals is the nails and teeth. In relation to the nails, they grow continuously throughout life. Therefore, if they hinder the animal’s mobility, it is necessary to take it to the veterinarian to have them cut.

    Teeth, on the other hand, also grow nonstop throughout life. Therefore, the harlequin rabbit must have wood available for gnawing. Thus, tooth growth is controlled and eating problems are avoided.

    5. They are sociable animals, but with individuals of their kind

    The Harlequin Rabbit is a very calm and calm animal, so it has no problems being tamed. Although it is quite aloof, it is very sociable and it is recommended that it coexist, either between 2 males or male and female – previously castrated.

    A Harlequin Rabbit on a Farm

    In short, the Harlequin Rabbit is best known for the pattern of its coat. However, we saw other details: its smooth fur, the shape of its patterns, its quiet character and other things.

    Each of these characteristics makes it a great companion animal for human beings. Finally, if you have any doubts about his health, be sure to seek out a veterinarian, as he will be able to give suitable recommendations.

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