5 Precautions To Take With Elderly Cats

5 precautions that must be taken with elderly cats

Having a pet is wonderful, but sometimes it takes a lot of responsibility. This is because  animals are dependent on us, they need our care and attention to live their lives and be healthy. However, after spending many years with your pet, when he is old, he demands more care than usual. Today, we’re going to talk about caring for elderly cats.

Problems in old cats

cat in the street

As they grow,  cats can suffer from health problems such as loss of hearing, vision and even smell. Therefore, as cats become older, we must be more attentive and increase care in relation to the pet, so that it has a dignified old age.

They have been with us all their lives and, despite the legend that cats have seven lives, this is not true, they only have one and it is up to us how they live.

So what are the steps to take to care for our elderly cats indoors? Below, we’ll give you 5 pieces of advice that will help us take care of elderly cats:

1- Keep an eye on food

As that saying goes: “we are what we eat”. And that happens also in the case of old cats. An old-age cat will not be able to feed in the same way as when he was an adult, as he will need some nutrients and supplements that the common food cannot provide.

The high quality brands have a wide variety of foods for all types of animals, classifying them by age. Choose a pet food for older cats, as it contains proteins, phosphorus and fats at the right level to promote the proper functioning of your body, in addition to strengthening your immune system.

In addition, its texture is smoother and softer, which makes chewing easier.

2- Choose a good veterinarian

If your cat hasn’t had the same veterinarian in its lifetime, try to find one who specializes in cats and their pathologies.

We are saying this because  cats, unlike other pets, do not show their pain, they are experts at hiding their suffering. Therefore, the animal will need a specialist in feline pathologies to discover the problems, even if the cat does not show up.

This happens for instinctive reasons, since in the wild the sick person is weak and, therefore, an easy prey for predators. A good veterinarian who is familiar with cats will be able to know simply what is going on with your elderly cat. And that’s why one of the essential rules in the care of elderly cats is precisely periodic visits to the vet, at least twice a year.

3- Keep your cat’s oral hygiene

Older cats tend to suffer from gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums that can cause, in addition to infections, loss of appetite. It is essential to take care of your oral hygiene at home with toothpaste and brushes recommended by the veterinarian, to preserve the health of elderly cats.

4- Take care of your fur

The fur is a reflection of the health of older cats. If he has internal illnesses, infections or any kind of health problem, the fur will be the first thing to let you know.

This will be clear because it will lose its luster, vitality and strength, as well as falling into excess. Age will also be something that will greatly influence the deterioration of the animal’s fur. Therefore, taking care of it at home is a good way to avoid serious problems.

At the Pet Shop you can find a series of products and vitamins that will help take care of your cat’s fur. 

5- Do not self-medicate elderly cats


One thing you should never do with an elderly cat is prescribe human medicines or natural products that we think will work for them because they did for us.

After knowing all the care, the conclusion is clear:  the only correct way to take care of elderly cats is to follow the veterinarian’s recommendations and fill them with love, patience and affection, something essential in our homes. 

It’s sad to come home and see that your pet is breaking down a little bit every day, but that’s part of the natural cycle of life, and it ‘s a time that, because of the love you feel for him, will cause you to. also enjoy, as your cat will need you so much and he will thank you for eternity for that.

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