5 Orange Animals: Meet These Beautiful Species

5 orange animals: meet these beautiful species

Although it seems contradictory, this impressive hue can act as a camouflage for some of these species.

In addition, it can also be good for scaring away predators, as the color of these animals is associated with toxicity.

In nature we can find every shade of color imaginable. And, of course, there are some orange animals that are very striking, while they can blend in well with the environment. Get to know some of them below.

What are orange animals?

Not many, it’s true, and several of them were left out of the list (like the mandarin salamander).  However, it is worth learning a little about the orange animals, an exception to the natural chromatic rule.

1. Monarch butterfly

It is the most famous butterfly in the world, in part because of its orange color with black lines and spots. These colors serve as a defense, as predators associate them with poison, toxic or unpleasant taste.

It is one of the insects with the most extensive migrations, as each year it travels from the Rocky Mountains, in Canada, to Michoacán, in Mexico.

The monarch butterfly – the photo that opens this article – measures about 10 centimeters and can live for up to nine months.

2. Clownfish

It is another of the most well-known and colorful orange animals, especially after the successful film Finding Nemo.

Clownfish are native to coral reefs in the Indian and Pacific oceans, where they live in anemones, in a dual defense system.

clownfish and anemone

Clown fish is one of those chosen for hot water aquariums, as its maintenance is simple. It feeds on plants, invertebrates and zooplankton, as it is a generalist omnivore.

As for reproduction, it is worth noting that it is a monogamous, oviparous and externally fertilized species. The chicks are all male and can become female according to the needs of the school.

3. Cock of the Rocks of Guyana

This bird is actually quite strange not only because its plumage is almost completely orange, but because it has a half-moon-shaped crest attached to its beak. In addition to orange, it has some white or black feathers and dark eyes.

Guyana cock

The Guyana Rock Rooster lives in northern South America, precisely in mountainous and jungle areas with high humidity.

The male is polygamous and each season features different dances and songs to attract his partners. Females lay up to two eggs in a mud nest and are responsible for raising the young on their own.

4. Tiger

Another one of the orange animals that could not be missing from this list due to its beauty. This feline, whose body looks like handpainted, has orange fur with black lines and white areas, with which it camouflages itself among the savannah pastures and the Asian forests.

orange animals: tiger

The tiger is solitary, feeds on large ungulates and can weigh up to 250 kilos. Currently, the biggest danger of this feline is the man, due to hunting for its skin. Therefore, it is in danger of extinction.

5. Orange baboon tarantula

This large arachnid is native to Central and Southern Africa, and is known by various names depending on the region where it is found.

It is a very aggressive tarantula, whose bite is extremely painful and can cause swelling, fever, dizziness, vomiting and muscle spasms. Still, there are many who have her as a pet!

orange baboon tarantula

The female orange baboon tarantula is larger and lives longer than the male tarantula: it can reach 13 centimeters and live up to 13 years. Its orange color can vary to other shades such as brown or red.

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