4 Objects Or Toys That Are Not Suitable For Dogs

Sometimes, not everything is allowed when it comes to providing leisure for our pets. Let’s talk about some toys that are not suitable for dogs.
4 objects or toys that are not suitable for dogs

Living with a pet at home is, without a doubt, something that brings many benefits for both the animal and for you and your family. But, just as we do with ourselves, we must take into account a series of precautions and seek information about the specific needs of the animal in question. And this also applies to leisure. So let’s talk about toys that are not suitable for dogs.

dogs and toys

For our pets, entertainment and leisure are just as important as they are for us. In many cases, a toy is not necessary, as the simple act of playing with them is already highly satisfying.

However, the  toys encourage not only physical activity, but mental as well. To choose one of these toys, we must make sure that they were designed specifically for them.

Although this depends on the breed and age,  many dogs will resort to everyday objects if they can’t find anything to play with. This act can put the animal’s health at risk and, therefore, it is important to know that there are several objects or toys that are not suitable for dogs.

What everyday objects are dangerous?

In our house, there are numerous utensils that we must monitor or protect in order to avoid any harm to both our dog and ourselves.

Cables and Plugs

These accessories are found in every home, to a greater or lesser extent. Our dog, perhaps out of curiosity, may start to approach and sniff the cables of the computer or other electronic devices.

In addition to the damage it can cause to devices, chewing and swallowing pieces of plastic or copper is also not good for our dog.

objects or toys that are not suitable for dogs

The risk of being electrocuted when licking plugs or cables will always be present. Therefore, protecting the outlets and keeping the cables at a certain height can prevent unexpected visits to the vet.

the kitchen environment

Although for our friend the kitchen is one of the most ‘desirable’ places, it is one of the places with the most visible dangers. Firstly, because there are several foods unsuitable for dogs that can fall to the floor while cooking, with the consequent damage to their health.

objects or toys that are not suitable for dogs

In most of our kitchens, the trash is usually easily accessible to us. That is, pets can also access it. Many dogs and cats find it easy fun to play with garbage, but this should be avoided, as colonies of microorganisms from the decomposition of food proliferate there.

Toys that are not suitable for dogs

As we have already indicated, the best thing to do when choosing a toy is to look for one especially suitable for dogs. We often unknowingly leave our pets with toys that can put their lives at risk.

stuffed animals

It may seem surprising, as we’ve all seen a dog biting or destroying a stuffed animal. But we don’t stop to think that  this stuffed animal might have a poorly sewn piece  – or simply glued on – or that the stuffing might contain a harmful component.

objects or toys that are not suitable for dogs

Unfortunately for our pet, this can lead to an intestinal blockage, caused by accidental ingestion of any of these parts. In these cases, it is necessary to go to the vet urgently. So, if we are going to reward our dog with a stuffed animal, we must purchase a special model for them.

Tennis balls: toys that are not suitable for dogs?

It is something very common and that usually happens: we throw a tennis ball to our dog and he comes back biting the ball with greater or lesser intensity. While not overly harmful, it can become a problem if the dog becomes obsessed with the ball.

objects or toys that are not suitable for dogs

After all, the main component of the balls, fiberglass, is a great enemy of our dog’s teeth. As it is a very rough material, it works like sandpaper and gradually wears away the enamel of the animal’s teeth. So, if we want our dog to play with balls, we must opt ​​for other more recommended options that can be found on the market.

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