11 Reasons Not To Have A Pit Bull

11 reasons not to have a Pit Bull

Many tremble when they hear the word Pit Bull. Unfortunately, these dogs have gained a reputation that they didn’t seek and that doesn’t do them much good. However, those who love animals know that none of this is true. Today we are going to discuss, on the fun side, several reasons why those who hate these dogs would advise you not to have a Pit Bull.

Why not have a Pit Bull?

When someone wants to justify a decision or a feeling, they always find a thousand and one excuses to give. These are the 11 most common justifications given by those who do not love the Pit Bull dog:


  1. Your smile is scary. Seriously? Have you ever seen anything more adorable than a smiling pit bull? Humans judge so much by appearances and let themselves be so carried away by prejudices that they forget to see and enjoy the most beautiful side of life, and nothing more beautiful than seeing a Pit Bull smile. What do you think?
  2. They are very aggressive. This fame was not created by them, but by humans who have propagated it. From very early times, Pit Bulls have been used in fights and trained hard as attackers to protect homes, businesses and other places. This made them themselves grow in fear of strangers and that’s why they are sometimes aggressive. However, a dog raised in a loving home is not at all like they paint. Any Pit Bull can be as loving or more loving than any other dog.
  3. They cannot be trusted to be with their children. Nothing further from reality. They are very protective animals with children, like any other dog, and are very affectionate and playful, your children will love to be with them. Don’t deprive your children of the great pleasure of having a companion as fun and loyal as a Pit Bull.
  4. They don’t show love. I can’t believe they say that! A Pit Bull is very loving and protective. Enjoy your affection!
  5. They take everything seriously. Their imposing presence may hint at this, but try tossing them something like a ball and you’ll see how seriously they take their function of running, jumping and playing. So maybe that statement isn’t so wrong, yes, they take the joke very seriously.
  6. They are cold. Is there anything more adorable and welcoming than a sleeping Pit Bull dog? Try to have one and you will find that you will have to tell him to stop spoiling you for a while.
  7. They are the ones who hug the worst. As you will see in the video, another false myth far from reality. Your large size and the strength of your arms will make you receive your hugs and make it one of the best things you will have in life.
  8. They are not friendly. Have you ever asked an owner to be able to touch you ever? If you didn’t, it was because of fear and because you might have been taken in by prejudice, change the channel! Ask if you can come closer and see how his little eyes close as you caress him. Is not it beautiful?
  9. You can’t take them anywhere. Well, it depends on the people around you. If that doesn’t bother you, take your Pit Bull wherever you want! There will always be those who will be scared or those who will not want to get close, but there will also be those who will want to get closer. If your dog is behaving well, why don’t you take him wherever you want?
  10. They are always in a bad mood. As we said earlier, they were taught to be vigilant, so their instinct tells them to be on the alert, but that doesn’t imply being in a bad mood. You can play with him and hug him as many times as you like.
  11. They’re awful. Something horrible that is said of them. Its beauty is peculiar as that of any living being, whether animal or human, and as there will always be for all tastes.

So why would anyone want a Pit Bull? Watch this video full of fun Pit Bull photos and let us know if you’d like one.

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