11 Endangered Animals

11 endangered animals

Unfortunately, the hand of man has used the resources of Earth and animals in a disorderly way and for profit, without taking into account how much this can get in the way. Therefore, over the years, many species have become extinct. There are still many animals in danger of extinction today. Let’s talk about a few.

Despite everything, it seems that the big bodies are aware of this danger. The UN, for example, proclaimed October 4th as Nature’s Day. This is to celebrate the wide variety of species. But, above all, to make people aware of the importance of animal preservation.

However, despite the efforts of many, there are still more than 60 species of animals in danger of extinction. 

Some endangered animals

Whatever the causes that lead these animals to be in danger of extinction, the reason is always the hand of man, directly or indirectly. It could be climate change, hunting or habitat destruction.

mexican gray wolf

red tuna

It’s likely that everyone remembers ads of this kind. Well, it turns out we’re not worrying too much about them. Today, this fish, the most used in sushi, is about to disappear.

Man’s ambition to profit does not give the animal time to reproduce. Therefore, in a few years, they will cease to exist. 

mexican gray wolf

This beautiful animal was in danger of extinction less than 40 years ago. Efforts to preserve it have been many and today they are hardly found in their natural habitats. A feather!

Dolphin of the Irauadi River

This quirky dolphin has a completely rounded front of its face, and unlike other common dolphins, it likes to live in fresh water. Its home is in South and Southeast Asia, and the cause of its death, which makes it on the list of endangered animals, is the salinity of the Irauadi River , which is rising to exorbitant levels.

snow leopard

A beautiful specimen that we must pay attention to when we see a photograph. It is a pity that such a beautiful animal is disappearing, because man has invaded its habitat in the regions of China, India, Nepal and Pakistan.

asian elephant

This animal that we have always known, that is part of our lives and our childhood, is disappearing. Poaching to get the ivory from your fangs is the reason.

mountain gorilla

It doesn’t take many years for this well-known black gorilla with a huge body to disappear. In fact, it is estimated that this will happen around 2025.


We’re not talking about any particular species, but the common tiger, an animal we’ve known forever. The number of animals of this species has already decreased by 60%, in part due to the invasion of man to its habitat and, in part, due to hunting for its use in Chinese medicine and, also, for its skin.

sea ​​kitty

This beautiful animal, with its rounded front face and dolphin-like skin patches, is on the verge of extinction. In 2012, there were only 200 specimens of this animal, and fishing is causing there to be less and less.

polar bears

Polar Bear

Climate change is destroying the polar bear’s habitat, not to mention that the fish they feed on are dying from the high temperatures. There are many specimens of malnourished bears because they don’t have anything to put in their mouths.

Panda bear

There are only 2500 specimens in their habitat. Illegal hunting is largely to blame for this species being in such a reduced number.

Magellan penguin

As with the polar bear, the high temperatures are killing these beautiful penguins that inhabit southern Argentina.

As you can see, our actions have consequences that seem impossible to stop. But there is much that can be done to improve this situation. Take care of the environment. But above all, don’t buy anything that is made with animals. If each one of us puts a grain of sand, it is likely that we can end this evil that puts animals in danger of extinction.

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